Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

From Farewell to the Farewell :')

Farewell Kelas di rumah puspa, Farewell Spensa di Hotel SD

LATDIS!! Pleton 5
Malam Pengukuhan

Girls' Dorm 
Gather with the old X.I Family, ten ai ;)

Bubar bareng KIRANA, first school event
Find the real class, HYSTERIA :*
Got sooo zonk, Extracurriculer Inaguration with 34 other juniors
Community Service -- ngajar di SD negeri deket jubel (y)
Pesta Putih Hitam -- wont go home without youuuuu (marron 5)

Festival Drama -- 5 charters B-))
Masa terakhir dengan Pak Tiar Choezzz -- foto di hp bpk itu haha
Farewell with CND 10 :') bye dorm